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英國 personal statement點寫?

個人陳述 Personal Statement




如果你仍未決定好申請哪一個課程,也不用擔心。只需當作正在申請其中一個心儀科目,然後埋頭撰寫即可,當你在9月呈交最後版本時,可直接引用當中大部份內容,毋須重新考慮英國 personal statement點寫。






原因                                                                解釋

喜歡該科目                                                          為何?

喜歡該科目的某些方面                                        哪些?

期待更深入地研讀                                               哪些方面?

工作經驗確定了興趣                                           如何?

期待在現實中實踐理論                                        哪些理論?

具備課程需要的技能                                           哪些技能?

畢業後的目標/職業                                           解釋

其他經驗確定了興趣                                           什麼經驗?如何?

Reason                                                               Explanation

Enjoy the Subject                                               Why?

Enjoy particular aspects of the subject             Which?

Look forward to studying in greater depth      Which aspects?

Work experience confirmed interest                 How?

Look forward to putting theory into practice   Anything in particular

Possess the skills required for the course         Which skills?

Post- degree aim/career                                    Explain

Other experience confirmed interest                What and how?





  • 描述讓你對該科產生興趣的事件/人物/物件,然後用「從此我便……」或「這激發出我的興趣……」,再描述你其後還做了什麼,來繼續追求你的興趣。
  • Describe the event/person/thing that sparked off your interest in the subject. Then say "since then I have ... " or "this inspired me to... " and then describe what you did to next further your interest in the subject. 


  • 簡潔:「我盼望已久……」
  • Short and simple: "I have always wanted to/ had the desire to.. " 


  • 「自從在高考時修讀X,我已經深受此科吸引,也準備好迎接日後深入探討的機會……」再說出你認為的吸引之處是什麼。


  • 一些關於該科的一般陳述,以及你與該科的契合度:例如「要成為醫生,需要深入的科學知識和出色的個人能力。我相信我的學術能力,及對本地社區的投入程度,都讓我成為一個修讀醫學的理想人選。」
  • "Since studying X at A level, I have found the subject ever more fascinating and would welcome the chance to take it further... " and then say exactly what you've found so fascinating about it. 


  • 一些關於當代世界,或關於修讀該科後可從事的特定工作:例如「現代商業愈趨複雜,對高學歷管理者的需求亦大大增加,我認為X學位將是一個極佳的基礎,讓我可從事……」
  • Something about the modern world, or about a particular area of work which your degree choices lead onto: For e.g.: "The increasing complexity of modern business demands highly educated managers. I feel that a degree in X will be an excellent foundation for a career in .. " 


  • 「為了可成為一個……,擁有Y的堅實基礎攸關重要。」
  • "In order to be a..... , it is very important to have a solid background in Y" 


  • 「X吸引我的地方就在於……」再補充一個特定的解釋
  • What fascinates me about X is ... " plus a specific explanation 


  • 「我以前曾經參加一些活動/閱讀一些書本,可為生命/社會帶來一些重要的意義……」
  • "The role of (such and such profession) in (doing something vital in life/society) has been brought home to me by .... (add some experience/reading/etc.) 


  • 「自從看過一些書後,我細想過很多關於某方面的事情……」再闡述該書本的主題或中心思想
  • "Since reading (some book) I have thought a great deal about (degree/something in the degree)" and then elaborate what was of particular interest in the book. 


  • 「我對於X的興趣來自於……」
  • "My interest in X stems from ... " 


  • 「我一直都很喜歡與該科有關的某件事,我在學校最喜歡的科目就是……」(再解釋你為何喜歡)
  • "I've always loved (something related to subject), and my favourite subject at school has always been ... (and then say what you like about it). 


  • 引用一句關於你心儀課程的名言,例如:「林肯曾說過:『權力是被打碎的民主。』「我也曾在工作時/閱讀時,觀察到……」並繼續描述你從中發掘到的有趣之處。
  • Start with a quotation relevant to your degree: e.g. "Power is democracy smashed to pieces", Abraham Lincoln once said. In order to explore this for myself I (observed an MP on work experience/read this or that book ... and go on to describe what you found interesting about this in detail) 


  • 「當我去年看見/閱讀/體驗到……,我早已確定我要選擇該個課程/該項職業……」(再就你對此科的熱情作詳細的描述)
  • My choice of degree/career was confirmed for me last year when I saw/read/experienced ..... (plus detailed description conveying your enthusiasm)" 


  • 「X一直都是我最擅長的科目,也是我最能投入學習的領域。」(再加上什麼及為何)
  • "X has always been my strongest academic subject and the field of study I have found most engaging (plus what and why)" 


  • 「X這一科與(某些重要的事情)相關……」
  • "X is a subject that is relevant to (something important in the world)" 


  • 某些課外體驗——工作、旅遊、一個學位體驗課程。「我最近有一個吸引的/體驗良多/得著良多/充滿活力的體驗,讓我進一步建立對某課程的興趣。」
  • Something based on an experience outside college - work, travel, a degree taster course. "I have recently done X.... a fascinating/absorbing/rewarding/vibrant etc. experience which has allowed me to further my interest in (degree subject or part of it)" 


  • 「小時候我已經喜歡X……某個人/某件事/某次活動讓我發展出/改變了/培養出現時對X的喜愛程度,我已十分肯定我希望修讀X學位課程。」
  • "When I was younger I wanted to/liked X... Person/Thing/Event X developed/changed/nurtured this interest to the extent that I now I am sure I wish to pursue X as a degree course." 


  • X(某些特別關於此主修的事件)一直都很吸引我,因此我希望可修讀相關的學位……」
  • "X (something in particular about the degree) has always fascinated me and for this reason I 

    wish to pursue a degree in ... " 








  • 回望你的文件、課本及家課,提醒自己這年內你學過的內容(理論上,考試剛完結,你的記憶應該還很新鮮……)
  • Look back over your files, textbooks and home-work, to remind yourself of what you have covered this year (should be fresh in your mind given the exams last week ... ) 


  • 你認為什麼主題、題目、問題、關係、連繫及辯題最有趣?試描述之。
  • What themes, topics, problems, relationships, connections, and debates have you found most interesting? Describe them. 


  • 你曾試過就以上內容再自行深入採討嗎?試簡述之。
  • Have you tried to follow any of these up by further research or reading? Mention it. 


  • 你有得出任何(或只是暫時性的)結論嗎?
  • Did you come to any (perhaps only provisional) conclusions? 


  • 你會期待在大學探索更多你在高考時遇到的問題嗎?甚至是課業範圍外的知識?
  • Would you look forward to exploring something you've come across at A level further at university, perhaps something that lies outside of your syllabus? 


  • 如果你在這年已完成某些課程內容,它們如何加深你對該科的喜愛?
  • If you've done some coursework this year, how has it deepened your appreciation of your subjects? 




  • 解難
  • 尋找細節的眼光
  • 分析能力
  • 對人類性格的了解
  • 寫作時,強而有力/簡明/有說服力地辯證的能力
  • 分析複雜數據後作出判斷的能力
  • 對創新意念的興趣
  • 堅忍
  • 自我組織能力
  • 自主行事
  • 靈巧的手
  • 聆聽技巧
  • 團隊合作
  • 搜集資料的能力
  • 想像力
  • 創意
  • 獨立學習及其他


  • 該高考科目有關X的方面正是我覺得特別有趣的範圍(再確實地解釋它如何引起你的興趣)
  • The X side of the A level course is an area which I find especially interesting (plus exactly what about it that does so) 


  • 我也有修讀……
  • I am also studying ..... 


  • 修讀(該學位)需要很多技能(請列出)。當我研究某科目時,此科目包括……(也可以用作介紹個人特質部分的引入)
  • Studying (such and such degree) requires many skills (plus list of them). My work on X in such and such a subject involved ..... (can also be used as intro to personal qualities section) 


  • 對我而言,修讀X的樂趣/迷人之處/歡樂/吸引力就在於(論點、分析、實驗、解難、探索,諸如此類)。再從往日你學習過的事物中舉出例子。
  • For me, the pleasure/fascination/joy/attraction of studying X lies in (argument, close analysis, experimentation, problem - solving, exploration, whatever). Plus give examples of this from your studies. 


  • 在高考時,我修讀XYZ科,而我特別有興趣了解關於……
  • During my study of XYZ at A level I have become especially interested in ... 


  • 修讀我的高考科目時,我在很多方面都十分享受(補充因而訓練出的能力例子及自省)
  • I take pleasure in many aspects of my A level course (plus examples and reflection on what of the list of skills these have developed) 





  • 能進入一間專業的/成功的(公司類型)讓我有機會能(形容你的主要職責)。這些職責讓我發展出以下技能……
  • Being involved in a /professional/successful (type of company) allowed me the opportunity to (describe main tasks briefly). These duties developed skills in . 


  • 在(指出該業務種類)做兼職,因為我負責(描述你的職責),讓我能發展出(XYZ)的技能。
  • Working part - time in a (state the kind of business) has enabled me to develop my skills in (XYZ) by (describe the tasks that you did). 


  • 我很享受(指出該份工作),因為它讓我對(該課程)有獨特的洞見,我尤其學習到……
  • I enjoyed working as a (state job) because it gave me valuable insight into (degree area). In particular I learned that( ... ) 


  • 義務地擔任(……)的工作,讓我在(指出經驗及技能)上獲益良多,這些體驗十分可貴。
  • Working voluntarily as a (..... ) provided a rewarding and valuable experience in (state experience and skills). 


  • 「在本地手術室跟隨一個忙碌的家庭醫生工作,讓我深深明白醫生承擔的壓力、他們對極佳支援的需要,以及準確和不斷更新的紀錄。」接著請提供一個例子,說明你在過程中如何得出以上發現。
  • "Shadowing a busy G.P at my local surgery taught me a great deal about the pressures on doctors time and the need for them to have excellent support staff and accurate, up-to date records.; Then give an example of where you saw this in practice. 


  • 我去年曾在一個成功律師的辦公室處理文書工作,這讓我學習到,閱讀對刑事案件判決有影響的資料時,必須謹慎而準確,以及完全跟隨既定程序行事的重要性,以免影響到一宗案件。
  • "Clerical work in a successful lawyer's office last year taught me the importance of meticulous accuracy in reading documents which might have a bearing on the verdict in a criminal trial, and of the necessity to follow set procedures thoroughly in case of jeopardising a prosecution case" 


  • 「暑假時,我在本地區議會幫忙接聽社會服務熱線,這讓我深明聆聽技巧的價值,這正與我將來心儀的職業不謀而合。」
  • The value of listening skills in my chosen career was brought home to me when I worked on a social services helpline at my local council office in the summer" 


  • 我每逢周六會在社區快餐店/我父親的藥房中擔任經理,學習到管理員工的技巧。當中包括組織日程表、確保所有運作符合健康及安全標準,以及創建一個歡樂而具熱情的工作環境。
  • "I have learned to manage others in my work as the Saturday manager of my local branch of Burger King/ of my father's pharmacy. This has involved organizing schedules, making sure health and safety standards are maintained and cultivating a cheerful and enthusiastic work atmosphere" 


  • 我熟於操作各種電子軟件,讓我周末可以在一間本地的網絡咖啡店兼職,在這裡,我已習慣處理不同客人的要求,也確立了我對解決問題的深愛。
  • "My familiarity with different kinds of computer software has allowed me to hold down a weekend job at a local internet cafe, where I have become used to dealing with different clients and their needs as well as indulging my love of problem-solving." 




  • 修讀(該學位)及選擇該職業方向需要(專注、團隊合作、耐性、對他人的需求敏感、責任心、處理人際關係的手腕、依時完成工作……)而當我(在我的社區幫忙,玩曲棍球,照顧X,擔任風紀,擔任啦啦隊隊長,在某處工作時……),我剛好學習到以上特質。
  • Studying (degree subject) or such and such a career requires (dedication, teamwork, patience, sensitivity to others, a sense of responsibility, diplomacy, working to deadlines etc., etc.) and these are qualities I possess/have developed in (helping at my local whatever, playing hockey, looking after X, my role as prefect, captain of tiddlywinks, work experience in etc.). 


  • 我對(該課程包括的主題)的興趣令我有興趣參加/源自(某些課外活動)
  • My interest in (degree topic) has led to an interest in/been supported by/ (something extracurricular) 


  • 我相信個人也可以對社會貢獻良多,所以我積極擔任義工,例如……
  • I believe that the individual can make a great contribution to society, so I am an active volunteer at .... 


  • 我的社區對我來說甚為重要,所以我……
  • My local community has always been very important to me, and in this regard I have ..... 


  • 大家常常說:「有多少投入,才會在生活中得到多少回報」,故我也在學校/本地社區努力投入自我。
  • I have always been taught that you only get out of life what you put in. I involve myself as much as possible in the life of my college/local community/etc. 


  • 在校園以外,我樂意參加不同的學會及社團,付出時間為社區生活貢獻。
  • I enjoy spending time outside the college contributing to the life of the community through involvement in clubs and societies.






  • 「在某段固定時間擔任(  )的義工,讓我有機會與背景迥異、不同歲數的人交流,訓練自己的溝通技巧。」
  • "A regular period of voluntary work with ( ) gave me the chance to develop my communication skills with people of very different backgrounds and ages to my own" 


  • 「我覺得在樂施會幫忙籌款既可幫助他人,也讓我獲益良多。我曾自行烘烤蛋糕,在校外主持一個義賣活動,時長24小時,最終籌得300英鎊。我希望可以在大學有機會組織更多慈善活動。」
  • "I found raising money for Oxfam was a very rewarding opportunity to help others. I held a 24-hour sponsored fast and sold cakes I had baked myself on a stall outside school to raise £300. I would like to take on more responsibility to organise charity events while at university." 


  • 「就讀中學時,我是學生會的成員,當我們向校長遞交了計劃書後,需輪流主持會議。在會中我要幫忙說服校長,例如批准改善學校的電腦、在運動課程中增加合球。」
  • "At college, I have been a member of the Student Council, taking turns to chair meetings from which proposals have been made to the Principal of the college. In this way I have helped to persuade the college, for example, to improve its computer facilities and to add korfball to its sport curriculum". 


  • 「在學校的開放日幫忙,讓我更明白在大機構工作的感覺,與新生家長談天時,也建立了我的自信心和溝通技巧。」
  • "Helping out at the college's Open Days has given me a much better sense of the workings of a large organisation and talking to parents of new students about the college has developed my confidence and communication skills" 


  • 「作為一個風紀,我學習到如何在冷靜及明智而審慎的方式下行使權力,以及與上位者有效地溝通。尤其是監察輪候晚餐的隊伍時,我和我的同儕需要在200名飢餓的青少年間維持秩序。」
  • "As a prefect, I have learned how to exercise authority in a calm and judicious manner and to communicate effectively with people in higher positions, particularly in the role of monitor of the dinner queue, where I and my colleagues had to ensure orderly behaviour among 200 hungry teenagers." 


  • 「作為一個圖書館助理,我的職責包括管理借書系統,這體驗展示出我負責任的一面,也顯示我能應付一群人。」
  • "As a library assistant, my duties included organising the book loan system. This experience has shown that I am responsible and capable of dealing with a range of people." 





  • 「對我來說,有幸扮演A Streetcar中的其中一名角色Desire,真的極為值得。演戲增加了我的自信心和演講技巧,我希望在大學可以參加更多戲劇製作。」
  • "Being a member of the cast for A Streetcar named Desire was extremely rewarding. Acting has improved my self-confidence and public speaking skills. I hope to be involved in more dramatic productions at university." 


  • 「我極愛觀賞外國電影,如Amores Perras和City of God等,由此我也對世界各地的文學及文化產生廣泛的興趣。」
  • "Watching foreign films such as Amores Perras and City of God is a passion of mine and it has led to a broad interest in world literature/other cultures" 


  • 「去年我首次接觸非洲音樂,從此我就對此深感興趣,特別是Mann Dibango和Fela Kuti的作品。我也很享受發掘非洲藝術作品背後的政治語境,最近在Hayward Gallery正舉辦一個非洲展覽,我也有前往參觀。」
  • "last year I was introduced to African music and since then I have developed a real interest in it, particularly the work of Mann Dibango and Fela Kuti, and I have also enjoyed finding out about the political context of the arts in Africa, as at the recent Africa exhibition at the Hayward Gallery " 


  • 「當我空閒時,我喜歡在廚房裡試驗新食譜,我和我的家人都很開心能學習入門泰國菜……」
  • "In my spare time, I like to experiment with new recipes in the kitchen. I am really pleased to be getting to grips with the basics of Thai cuisine - as are my family!" 


  • 「過去兩年,我皆在Hendon Wanderers第1隊中擔任左翼位置,覺得既享受又值得,它讓我在壓力下變得盡責,學懂與人合作,從而認清自己的個性,也更了解其他人。」
  • "Playing left-wing for the Hendon Wanderers 1 team over the last two years has been a really enjoyable and worthwhile experience, teaching me a lot about my own and other people's character in terms of commitment and working in a group under pressure." 


  • 「我一直都很享受在本區教會的合唱團唱歌,也希望在大學時可以學習福音音樂/表演輕歌劇/組織一隊藍調樂隊。」
  • "I have always enjoyed singing in my local church choir and hope to learn something about gospel/perform in light opera/form a blues band at university." 


  • 「在課園以外,我從拉丁美洲舞中得到極大快樂,也能好好運動身體,在過去三年我已達至第6級水平。我也深深明白自己在學習時的態度及傾向,這種自我認知對我的學業也大有幫助。」
  • "Outside college, I get great pleasure and good exercise from Latin American dancing, where I have reached level 6 over the last three years. A Learning new routine has also taught me a lot about what kind of learner I am, and this self - knowledge has fed into my college work too." 


  • 「當我計算時,我總對解難深感興趣,就像我自己正在翻查本地的公共紀錄,以追溯我的家族歷史,一直至18世紀為止。」
  • "My interest in problem-solving in Maths is also reflected in my desire to work out from local public records, exploring my family tree going back to the eighteenth century." 





