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Samuel Chan

With an entrepreneurial spirit spreading across online, print and broadcast media, Samuel is an award-winning educational consultant and celebrated columnist.

As a leader in the field of education, he was honoured with the British Council’s Study UK Alumni Award and his most prestigious achievement to date includes the founding of Hong Kong’s premier educational brands - Britannia StudyLink, Anglo Belgravia and Ascent Prep.

In addition to streamlining the UK independent school application process for Hong Kong families and spearheading the first official UKiset-accredited educational centre in Hong Kong, Samuel has led his company, Britannia, to becoming one of Asia’s leading brands with diverse clients and distinguished institutions ranging from Radley College to HSBC Bank and Hong Kong Telecom.

Often, prospective students in Hong Kong are not sure what exactly collegiate universities in the UK are and how they differ from other types of university.

A collegiate university is a university that is made up of lots of different colleges, hence the word collegiate. One of the best-known examples would be the University of Oxford. If you've ever spent time in the UK, you might well have visited the city of Oxford to see some of the colleges as this is always a popular tourist activity.

Many of the colleges in Oxford are centuries old and have very grand and beautiful architecture. They are scattered throughout the city and you can walk from one to another, stopping at cafes, shops, supermarkets and restaurants between them.

While they are all part of the same university, they are also, in effect, institutions in their own right. They have their own distinct culture and when you apply to the university, you apply to a specific college.


In a way, you can think of the different colleges as being a bit like the houses in a British boarding school - except that everything is on a much larger scale.

Another popular collegiate university is Lancaster University. Unlike the University of Oxford, and, say, Durham University, this was founded in the 20th century so does not have long history that many British universities can boast. On the other hand, it has a very modern outlook on education and achieves consistently excellent results in the league tables.

In the Complete University Guide 2020, Lancaster is in the top 10 UK universities overall. It is also in the top 10 UK universities for graduate prospects - that is, employment after finishing your degree.

In its website, the university summarizes what it has to offer foreign students very well: "Lancaster is home to almost 3,000 international students. A beautiful city with access to city, coast and countryside. The very best of British."

The study options include an international foundation year that leads to a range of degree courses.

As is usual with these programs, there is a focus on English language so that you are properly prepared for the demands of being educated in English.

There are also core modules in the disciplines relevant to your prospective degree course, from law and business to engineering and sciences.

The degree courses available in general at Lancaster offer students a wide variety. There are, of course, the expected degrees that lead on to professional qualifications: law, accounting, medicine and architecture. There are also some more unusual choices such as film and philosophy, psychology and management, and fine art and theater.

Speaking of the arts, the campus at Lancaster has its own art gallery and its own theater which shows a commitment to culture and to creating a well-rounded life for students from all disciplines.

This idea of an education that is well-rounded is something that I often mention when talking about and writing about British universities and schools.

This is because it is so fundamental to the thinking behind British education at all levels. It is a given that students will do more than just study by participating in extra-curricular activities and developing interests outside of their course. This attitude is one that we still need to develop further in Hong Kong.

If you would like to study at Lancaster University, or are interested in British schools and universities but aren't sure where to start, get in touch with me and my team at www.britannia-study.com and we can get you there.


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